Good day prospective salespeople!
We are looking for anyone interested in selling biltong through their personal network on a part time or full-time basis
Basically, you will go around selling biltong to anybody interested (we've found office parks to be the best) and you make a commission on every bag sold. This means that you do not technically work for anybody, it is entirely up to you to decide how much you want to sell! :)
There are no "buy in" costs involved with this opportunity. Should you wish to join the team, you get an initial bag to use as a taster bag for prospective clients. You then go out and find clients that would be interested in buying the biltong, and to see if this is the job for you. If you find interested customers, let us know and we'll give you the necessary stock, and you pay us back after your sale is complete!
i.e. You don't need to buy the biltong from our side before you sell it to your customers!
If you are eager on learning the skill of selling, as well as building your own network that can become rather lucrative if done properly, then feel free to apply!
We hope to hear from you!
This is a great opportunity for those looking to develop a second source of income through their personal network.
If this is of interest to you, please let us know so we can set up a quick meeting between you and Nicholas.