Personal Development Plan Implementation (Own) Expected Behaviour: Internal or External courses/ take on more responsibility / tasks / projects Turn-Around Time Expected Behaviour: Complaint Resolution TAT of 1 Day; Alert Coaching TAT of 48 hours We Hear You Expected Behaviour: WHU Target of 9, 1 . All scores under 6 must be investigated and coached if required. Evidence to be provided at Pipeline discussion Reinstatements Expected Behaviour: Keyboard Reinstatements 5% 10% improvement on F22 current keyboard reinstatement stats Leadership and Coaching Expected Behaviour: What have you done with regards to Succession planning, Engagement survey participation and satisfaction scores Budgets Expected Behaviour: Falling within budget. Check Expenses on a monthly basis and ensure that allocations have been done corretly Absenteeism Expected Behaviour: Ensure that all planned absenteeism is approved by WFM. Ensure that absenteeism targets are achieved as per WFM and HR benchmarks. Ensure that policy & procedures are adherd to, such as sick notes, Unpaid leave and conducting of return to work interviews Damage Alerts, NFS Expected Behaviour: 5= Zero NFS complaints & 0 Alerts Lapse Ratio New business Expected Behaviour: NB Lapse as per Budgeted target Lapse Ratio Existing Business Expected Behaviour: EB Lapse Target as per Budgeted target Reward and recognition Expected Behaviour: Supporting Departmental reward schemes, driving daily recognition and non-monetary schemes. Promote Fun, energy and positive vibe Compliance Adherence Expected Behaviour: Ensure that staff are on the Rep register and that all policies and procedures are followed as they pertain to FAIS & RE Finding a better way Expected Behaviour: Listening to calls and proposing changes for improvement. Feedabck from Red / Green card sessions. Process or procedure changes, etc. SQA Average Expected Behaviour: 85% accuracy Gearing and Attrition Expected Behaviour: Ensure effective forecasting of expected churn and pro-active recruitment to mitigate. Ensure WFM approval of all initiatives impacting gearing including planned absenteeism CXD Expected Behaviour: 60 day cxd% - Reinstatements 10% Less than 30% of reinstatements cancelled within 60 days Personal Development Plan Team Expected Behaviour: Meaningful PDP discussions taking place. Performance Improvemtnplans in place Liability Expected Behaviour: Liabilities Reinstatement Ratio 20% System RI vs System Cx 52% in Feb & 55% in March Coaching for Perfomance Expected Behaviour: 1 Non-Topical Coaching Session per person per month & 3 Topical Coaching sessions per person per month ; 4 side by side sessions per day. 5 = Significant improvement consistent over a quarter ; 4 = Improved shown and maintained a result ; 3 = Evidence kept - coaching conducted as required ; 2 = Does not meet expectation WFM - Occupancy Expected Behaviour: Target - 55% WFM - Adherence Expected Behaviour: Target - 95% Reinstatement Ratio Expected Behaviour: BI Commercial Reinstatement Ratio 40% 45% reinstatement ratio on system cancellations