Kotez.kondile@gmail.com Summary I am Instrument Technician (Supervisor Engineering Technician) who provides assistance and expertise to those who require instrument maintenance, repairing, inspection, calibration and installation in instrumentation and process control. I have experience in instrumentation field in mining plants and petrochemical plants for last eight years till present, with S4 national diploma electrical (light current) and NQF level 4 instrumentation Trade Test, knowledge of PLC, DCS, SCADA, VSD, soft starters electrical motors, profibus and focusing on developing the control and instrumentation in the industry. Am eager to work, under pressure or shifts and a dedicated technician like being part of breaking through team. Qualification and Skills • Grade 12 with maths and physical science. • DCS troubleshooting • Electrical and instrument Installation IS and NON IS • Technical ability NQF level 4 Instrumentation Trade Test. • Wonder ware development SCADA • National diploma S4 electrical engineering (light current) • PLC troubleshooting and Fault - finding Allen Bradly, Modicon, Workshop 505, Siemens • VSD