Apiwe is a young Professional Nurse with 5years experience working in both Private and Public in PRIMARY HEALTH CARE setting..
worked as - nimart Nurse- where he was initiating clients on ART, TB medication, STI, Acute illness, Non communicable diseases.
Apiwe managed a TB department where he was working with HIV specialists, worked as Nurse Metor- auditing files, Initiating ART , keeping files of the patients safe, mentoring Lay counsellors and Professional Nurses.
Apiwe Currently is working for key population providing PrEP in clients ( which is what government is promoting) more to males working as they are the people who transmit the HIV.
Doing Stock control for ARVs and other medication in the facility
Apiwe is having the following qualifications
- Nurse Mentorship
-project management
-HiV management certificate
-Dispencing certificate
Currently doing Masters in Public Health.