Asemahle Mbebe

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
What job i'm looking for? My positive points
I am a 20 year old student looking for a part time/full time job. I have experience in Film & Media in Sound Design and High School Qualification in Hospitality. I am willing to learn all that I can to accomplish my tasks and I hope to get a job that will pay and also give me experience in the field. I believe I can do what is necessary for the job if give the opportunity. If Salary is an Issue that is also negotiable. I have good listening skills and I can work with a team, although solo work is something I can also do. I hope to work with you as I believe myself to be prepared to not only learn but work along side my co-workers and also employers.
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Contacts and general information about me
Day of birth:
2002-10-07 (22 years old)
Residential location:
Telephone number:
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Salary you wish:
R2000 R per month
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