Bertha Motlalepule Medupe

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Bertha Motlalepule Medupe
What job i'm looking for? My positive points
Healthcare worker
I'm Bertha Medupe 40 years old from Hammanskraal City of Tshwane and is where I was born and went to school.
I've gained too much experience while busy hustling in the customer care services through retail sectors until I was training as an on-job health care worker by the year January 2019 to June 2019.
I like working with people and also working or meeting different kind of people as these makes me gain more understanding of how to handle different people according to their ways of believes,both historically, spiritualy,mentally and emotionally.
All in all I can say I have a high positive thinking when coming to customer care and also likes caring for people with a good listening ability and also attentive to details
Preferred occupation:
Medicine, healthcare, nursing jobs
Preferred work location:
Bela-Bela / Warmbad
Contacts and general information about me
Day of birth:
1981-12-04 (43 years old)
Residential location:
Pretoria / Tshwane
Telephone number:
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Additional information
Salary you wish:
R8000-R10000 R per month
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