Good Day I am looking for a job it can be permanent or a part time job , I am currently unemployed I am always available. It has to be in Bloemfontein.
Preferred occupation:
Kitchen assistant Kitchen jobs
Trainers Teaching jobs
Waiters, waitresses Restaurant, bar service jobs
Shop assistants Retail, store jobs
Part time jobs Part time, weekend jobs
Preferred work location:
Bloemfontein Free State
Contacts and general information about me
Day of birth:
1998-12-14 (26 years old)
Residential location:
Bloemfontein Free State
Telephone number:
Information is available only for registered users. Sign in
Email address:
Information is available only for registered users. Sign in
Work experience
Working period:
nuo 2021.01 iki 2021.06
Company name:
Shoprite (Heidedal)
You were working at::
Kitchen staff
Sales Assistant
What you did at this job position?:
I was cleaning, cooking, preparing meals for the the Deli .
Working period:
nuo 2023.09 iki 2023.10
Company name:
You were working at::
General Work
What you did at this job position?:
We were mowing the lawn, we cut trees and fixing wires .