Chistopher Pestana

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Chistopher Pestana
What job i'm looking for? My positive points
I am a recent M.Sc. graduate in the field of palaeontology with an undergraduate degree in archaeology and anthropology.

I am looking for a job as a data analyst/statistician. I am also able to perform research, write, data capture, wrangling and cleaning. I am skilled at performing multivariate statistical analysis in R software, spatial analyis in QGIS software, and phylogenetic systematics in mrbayes software.

I can think outside the box and apply novel solutions to complex problems.
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Contacts and general information about me
Day of birth:
1982-06-26 (42 years old)
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Additional information
Salary you wish:
16000 R per month
How much do you earn now:
10000 R per month
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