Ilza Strydom

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Ilza Strydom
What job i'm looking for? My positive points
I am looking for any employment in administrative or hospitality industry. I worked on Rovos Rail a 5 star luxury train where I worked as a hostess and bar lady. I have excellent people skills and marketing skills. I love to be active and productive and eager to learn and attend various courses a company will offer me if I get a chance to prove my value towards the company.

I am eager to learn and walk the extra mile for a client and the company anytime and my goal is to grow with the company and also to help the company grow and expand.
Preferred occupation:
Restaurant managers
Restaurant, bar service jobs
Administrative jobs
Marketing assistant
Ads, marketing jobs
Preferred work location:
Pretoria / Tshwane
Contacts and general information about me
Day of birth:
1994-12-14 (30 years old)
Residential location:
Pretoria / Tshwane
Telephone number:
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Email address:
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Additional information
Salary you wish:
6000.00 R per month
How much do you earn now:
0.00 R per month
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