Thank you for the opportunity to apply at your company, my name is Jenestian Roman, I am a 31 year old female from Danielskuil. After reviewing your career profile options its is clear that you are looking for a candidate that have strong set values and morals such as integrity to handle the responsibilities that's associated with the role and can perform those roles confidently. Given these requirements, I am certain that I have the necessary skills to successfully do the job adeptly and perform above expectations.
I have obtained a qualifications in secretarial and intro to business accounting as well office assistant, I do not have a drivers license but my main short term goal is to obtain my learners drivers license.
After reviewing my curriculum vitae I hope you will agree that the type of confident and competitive candidate you are looking for.
I look forward to elaborating on how my specific skills and abilities will benefit your organization, please do not hesitate to contact me at 0727917042. thank you for your consideration I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Miss JA Roman