What job i'm looking for? My positive points
1)Im looking for a driving job.
2)My positive points:
*To grow within the potentially hirering company wich believes in the betterment of their employees.
*To bring positive change for the betterment of the company hiring me,within line of my duties.
*To eventually contribute towards joblessness aleviation at the end of my career from small growing up.
Contacts and general information about me
Day of birth:
1975-01-28 (49 years old)
Telephone number:
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Email address:
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Work experience
What you did at this job position?:
Hiring/posting of guards/On site planning and attending to clients' needs,complaints and report to operations management for perusal and action.
Educational qualification:
Grade 'B' with code 10 driver's license
I could work:
Under pressure and without a supervisor so long as my responsibility are made known to me.
Speaking level
Understanding level
Writing level
Computer knowledge
I have a minimum computer knowledge
And im i tending to muximize my computer knowledge/literacy.
Conferences, seminars
Additional information
How much do you earn now: