Leonie Harrison

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Leonie Harrison
What job i'm looking for? My positive points
I am a very responsible person,who enjoys life to the fullest. I enjoy people from any race and ethnic group and have no issues concerning religion and politics. I am friendly, jolly and positive person who does not get angry very easily. I do take my work very seriously and have no fear for any new challenges in the workplace. I am hard working and stick to company rules to the tee. I am a good planner and organiser and give extreme attention to detail, as I am a perfectionist and very neat and tidy person. When you hire me, you will surely have invested your money wisely and all the above mentioned will be proven. I will by all means always carry the company name on high and keep all private and confidential company matters anonymous.
Preferred occupation:
Shop assistants
Retail, store jobs
Preferred work location:
Port Elizabeth
Eastern Cape
Contacts and general information about me
Day of birth:
1968-04-21 (56 years old)
Residential location:
Port Elizabeth
Eastern Cape
Telephone number:
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Work experience
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Additional information
Salary you wish:
6000 R per month
How much do you earn now:
I am R per month
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