I am looking for cashier posts mostly or maybe something in retail stores. I would love to have learnerships, because un that way i would be learning and working at tje same time. I have no experience but I am willing to learn and I am a fast learner. I also want to gain experience with working with people/ in groups. I want to learn how to interact and solve problems that may arise in the workplace with a team. I am a punctual , dedicated and a kind person, who is just looking for a chance to show my abilities and grow at the same time.
Preferred occupation:
Cashiers Retail, store jobs
Generals General jobs
Part time jobs Part time, weekend jobs
Shop assistants Retail, store jobs
Kitchen assistant Kitchen jobs
Miners Mining jobs
Lab assistant Teaching jobs
Preferred work location:
Rustenburg North West
Mogwase North West
Contacts and general information about me
Day of birth:
1996-01-31 (29 years old)
Residential location:
Rustenburg North West
Telephone number:
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Email address:
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