My name is Onelisiwe Monelo, born and bred in the disadvantaged streets of Khayelitsha, Cape Town. I am 18 years of age and I attended at Cape Town High School. I am legible for employment by any institution because I am a hard worker, I have high morale and confidence in myself. I am a very determined and focused person. I work well under pressure, and have been recorded high with punctuality. I love working with people, and I easily adapt to any kind of environment as I love meeting up with new people.My weakness has to be the fact that I am a perfectionist, I feel at all times that everything I do must me top class with no mistakes which sometimes takes away from my free time, and negatively impacts my social life. I am a very straightforward person, I believe in being honest, and transparent about my feelings at all times.
Preferred occupation:
Jobs for students Student jobs
Waiters, waitresses Restaurant, bar service jobs
Housekeeper Hotel jobs
Cashiers Retail, store jobs
Shop assistants Retail, store jobs
Part time jobs Part time, weekend jobs
Preferred work location:
Cape Town Western Cape
Cape Flats Western Cape
Contacts and general information about me
Day of birth:
2003-03-11 (22 years old)
Residential location:
Cape Town Western Cape
Telephone number:
Information is available only for registered users. Sign in
Email address:
Information is available only for registered users. Sign in
Work experience
Working period:
nuo 2019.04 iki 2019.04
Company name:
Dr. Ngamlana surgery
You were working at::
Receptionist's assistant
What you did at this job position?:
I helped the receptionists and doctor with water to drink, ran some errands for the receptionists, helped with checking folders, and mopped the floor.