I hereby wish to aaply for the vacant posiion of office surport,admin,receptionist,peronal assistannt and secretarian.i am advanced in computer literacy,good typing,word,outlook,reading,monitoring,and responding to email,power point,filling skills,ability to think and work indpendentlly to under pressure multitask and cope with workloads is essentail,workingin a systematic manner,i am diligent work andtake my pride in my work and im sure that i can make a positive contributionto your company
im a highly motivated ambitious and enthusiastic individuals who strives tobecomethe best i can in all aspect of my life i am loyal,honest,hard working and self motivated achiever who is passinate about performance,enjoys,challenges and is always eager to learn,i also enjoy encoraging people i meet and interact with tolearn new things and develop in way that mayenhance thier lives and caareers.