Find doctors, nurses, veterinarians. Offer medicine job in Bloemfontein

Here bellow you will find candidates CVs who interested in medicine, healthcare, nursing jobs in Bloemfontein. These candidates looking for medicine, healthcare, nursing jobs in Bloemfontein. If you want to see candidates in other job category or city, please refine your search.
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Selina Mofosi

Selina Mofosi from Botshabelo

45 years old, male
I Selina I need this job because I'm a hard worker, paying attention in my work and I know how to handle the patients and customer.thank you
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Willy Jacobus Isaacs

Willy Jacobus Isaacs from De Aar

I am a deidicated person, a quick learner, i am a team player and have good leadership abilities, i am numerically orientated. I have 9 years of investigation experience in investigating general crimes such as theft, assault, arson, fraud, ect. Iam a trained basic life support practitioner, registered with the HPCSA. I have a valid code 10 drivers licence with prdp.
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