Posted on: 14 June 2023
ID 862725

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (5-year fixed-term, performance -based contract, with an option of renewal)

The Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment aspires to be sustainable, responsive and
environmentally conscious. It covers a broad range of engineering disciplines, some of which are
currently being re-curriculated to respond to the demands of regional, national and global priorities of industry in engineering education. The Faculty hosts two institutes - the Energy Institute, and the French South African Institute of Technology (FSATI) - as well as two technology stations and nine research centres that all support the Facultys nine Research Focus Areas, namely: Advanced manufacturing/Advanced material, Communications and networking technology, Engineering management, Engineering education, Robotics, Smart energy, Smart water, Smart cities, and Oceans economy. Through the range of multi-disciplinary entities mentioned above, the Faculty aims to advance applied knowledge through science, technology and innovation for the socio-economic benefit of society, with a strong emphasis on commercialisation, technology transfer, and spin-off technological enterprises. The Faculty also aims to integrate its education and research programmes into a cohesive system that provides relevant and industry-responsive education, with a high degree of work-integrated learning. The Faculty hosts two Research Chairs in Energy and Innovative Small Satellite Technology and Applications for Africa (ISSTAA).

A Doctoral degree obtained from an accredited institution, in any of the areas of
specialisation offered by each Faculty.
At least 8 years of proven experience in academic management and administration
at senior Faculty management level (e.g. Assistant/Deputy Dean, Head of Department/ School, etc.).
A track record in teaching, research, innovation, and community engagement commensurate with the professorial level at CPUT.
Evidence of Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)-accredited publications,
Evidence of successful supervision of Masters and Doctoral students, and other research outputs at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor.
Registration with a Professional Body (-ies) and/or Council relevant to the offerings of
the Faculty.
A track record of developing and maintaining relationships with the industry, professional bodies and the national/ international community.
Practical knowledge and experience of quality assurance processes.
A thorough understanding of the South African Higher Education landscape.
Proven sound financial management in an organisational setting, preferably in Higher
Proven human resource management skills

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