Minimum Requirements
- :A relevant Accounting qualificatio
- nValid Drivers License and own transportation
- .Pastel Evolution or Similar Accounting Software
- s:Experience in Fixed Asse
- es:Monitor system of controls, procedures, and forms for the complete and accurate recording of fixed asse
- ts.To ensure the accurate and complete recording of asset movements between branches and regio
- ns.To track assets in transit and assets undergoing out of site repairs and maintenan
- ce.To ensure that all responsible parties are aware of their roles and responsibilities regarding the assets of Hollywood Sportsbook Group, International Group and the Winning Form Gro
- up.To ensure the accounting treatment of assets acquired and disposed are in accordance with the accounting standa
- rd.To ensure that fixed assets are not written off, scrapped or disposed of without proper authorizati
- on.To ensure that preventative measures are in place to eliminate theft, loss and misu
- se.Review fixed asset acquisitions and dispositions accurately and completely in the accounting syst
- em.Review and update the detailed schedule of fixed assets/asset management software on a monthly bas
- is.Ensure that the detailed schedule of fixed assets/asset management software is up to date at all tim
- es.Perform the monthly depreciation calculation and process depreciation in the accounting syst
- em.Complete reconciliation between the fixed asset register/asset management software and Pastel on a monthly bas
- is.Investigate the potential obsolescence of fixed asse
- ts.Conduct periodic impairment reviews for intangible and tangible asse
- ts.Recommend to management whether fixed assets should be disposed of or scrapp
- ed.Prepare audit schedules relating to fixed assets and assist the auditors on their enquiri
- es.Represent the company during any audits by a third party that involve fixed asse
- ts.Track company expenditures for fixed assets in comparison to the capital budget and management authorizatio
- ns.Assist management in the drafting of capital expenditure budget, capital forecasts and year to date spe
- nd.Effectively deal with internal and external parties (auditors, etc) where requir
- ed.Engage with the accounting team and other departments to ensure proper and efficient accounting methods as well as understanding the business needs of other departmen
- ts.Assist in the development and documentation of fixed assets processes and procedures and implementation and monitoring there
- of.Control the maintenance of a branch level fixed asset register for assets not meeting the asset recognition criteria in terms of the asset policy and procedu
- ls:Demonstrates a high level of integrity, trustworthiness & reliabili
- ty.Excellent problem-solving abili
- ty.Demonstrate strong attention to deta
- il.Good communication and interpersonal skil