Contact MR MOLAPO NOW On::0638933894 IMPALA PLATINUM MINE POSITIONS AVAILABLE ARE : •General work •Administration/Clerk •Security officer •Safety officer •Fitter and turner •Rigger •Boilermaker with read seal •Electrician N courses (N1-N6) •Diesel mechanic N courses (N1-N5) Machine operators: •Winch operator •Rock Drill Operator •Excavator •LHD scoop operator •Drill Rig Operators •Dump Truck operators •Mobile crane •Tower crane •Bob cat •Grader •Bulldozer Drivers •Code 10 (C1) +PdP •Code 14 (EC1) +PdP *MINER *MINER ASSISTANT *TEAM LEADER *SUPERVISOR *SHIFF BOSS For more information contact center managementContact MR MOLAPO NOW On::0638933894