Ad is valid till: 15 October 2024
ID 923698

IT Ondersteuning en Monitering Tegnikus /

IT Ondersteuning en Monitering Tegnikus

'n Goed gevestigde en professionele IT-diensverskaffer in Lynnwood, Pretoria, is op soek na 'n dinamiese en bekwame IT-ondersteuningstegnikus om op die terrein en afstandsondersteuning aan verskeie klinte in die KMO-mark te bied. Ons is passievol oor kwaliteit, diens en IT.

Ligging: Lynnwood, Pretoria

Salaris: R8, 000 R12, 000 (afhangend van ervaring)

Werksure: Maandag tot Vrydag, 07:30 17:00

  • Verskaf afstand- en op-die-terrein IT-tegniese ondersteuning (rekenaar- en netwerk) aan klinte.
  • Diagnoseer en los probleme op met rekenaars, bedieners, netwerke, routers, firewalls, drukkers, mobiele toestelle, CCTV-kameras en VoIP-telefoonsisteme.
  • Installeer en herstel rekenaars en skootrekenaars op beide huis- en besigheidsnetwerke.
  • Installeer, konfigureer, administreer en herstel Windows-bedieners.
  • Diagnoseer en los probleme op met Ubiquity Unifi draadlose netwerke.
  • Hanteer konnektiwiteitsprobleme, insluitend VPN en vesel/draadlose ISP verbindings.
  • Stel Microsoft 365-dienste op en implementeer oplossings soos Exchange, Teams en Azure.
  • Verwyder malware en virusse.
  • Ontplooi, konfigureer en administreer databekopieringsoplossings.
  • Voer monitering en instandhouding van bedieners en rugsteun uit.
  • Verskaf professionele en kundige advies aan klinte oor IT-oplossings, sagteware, infrastruktuur en sekuriteit.
Ervaring En Kwalifikasies
  • 2 jaar onlangse ervaring as 'n IT-tegnikus, insluitend die opstel en herstel van rekenaars en bedieners.
  • Geldige bestuurslisensie en eie vervoer om kantoor toe te reis (maatskappyvoertuie word vir klintebesoeke gebruik).
  • Goeie kommunikasievaardighede in beide Engels en Afrikaans, mondelings en skriftelik.
  • Aktief bereid om te studeer en jou vaardighede verder te ontwikkel.
  • Kandidate moet stelselmatig en georganiseerd wees, met aandag aan detail en die vermo om onder druk te werk.
  • Huidige relevante IT-kwalifikasie soos A+, N+ of Microsoft Certified Technician.
  • Moet binne redelike afstand van die kantoor in Lynnwood woon.
Unieke Vereistes
  • Verkieslik iemand met ondervinding in 'n klein IT-omgewing of 'n PC-winkel.
As jy pasiesvol is oor IT en kwaliteit dienslewering, nooi ons jou uit om aansoek te doen vir hierdie posisie en deel te word van 'n groeiende gesinsgeorinteerde maatskappy met 'n sterk fokus op oplossings en klintetevredenheid.

IT Support and Monitoring Technician

A well-established and professional IT service provider based in Lynnwood, Pretoria, is seeking a dynamic and skilled IT support technician to provide on-site and remote assistance to various clients in the SME market. We are passionate about quality, service, and IT.

Location: Lynnwood, Pretoria

Salary: R8, 000 R12, 000 (depending on experience)

Working Hours: Monday to Friday, 07:30 17:00

Key Responsibilities
  • Provide remote and on-site IT technical support (desktop and network) to clients.
  • Diagnose and resolve issues with computers, servers, networks, routers, firewalls, printers, mobile devices, CCTV cameras, and VoIP telephone systems.
  • Install and repair desktop and laptop computers on both home and business networks.
  • Install, configure, administer, and repair Windows servers.
  • Diagnose and resolve issues with Ubiquity Unifi wireless networks.
  • Handle connectivity issues, including VPN and fibre/wireless ISP connections.
  • Set up Microsoft 365 services and implement solutions like Exchange, Teams, and Azure.
  • Remove malware and viruses.
  • Deploy, configure, and administer data backup solutions.
  • Perform server and backup monitoring and maintenance.
  • Provide professional and knowledgeable advice to clients about IT solutions, software, infrastructure, and security.
Experience And Qualifications
  • 2 years of recent experience as an IT technician, including assembling and repairing computers and servers.
  • Valid drivers license and own reliable transport to the office (company vehicles are used for client visits).
  • Excellent communication skills in both English and Afrikaans, verbally and in writing.
  • Actively willing to study and further develop your skills.
  • Candidates must be systematic, organized, detail-oriented, and able to work under pressure.
  • Current relevant IT qualifications such as A+, N+ or Microsoft Certified Technician.
  • Must live reasonably close to the office in Lynnwood.
Unique Requirements
  • Preferably someone with experience in a small IT environment or a PC shop.
If you are passionate about IT and delivering quality service, we invite you to apply for this position and become part of a growing, family-oriented company with a strong focus on solutions and customer satisfaction.
Management, human resources jobs
Job location, contacts
Pretoria / Tshwane
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