Kusile power station vacancies
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General worker s
kusile power station OPEN NEW PERMANENT POSITIONS AVAILABLEMACHINE OPERATORSENGINEERING OFFICE STAFF◾Admin cleanersFor more information regarding these vacancies contact HR MrMabusa@ 0659873353
Kusile power station
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General Worker s Boilermaker
Kusile power station looking for workers.Please Note: The below position is currently available in throughout South Africa If you have grade 12 and looking for a job, then this opportunity is for you.
Kusile power station
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For more information contact center management Mr Hr Alfred TEL No 0789331376 THANKS YOU
KUSILE POWER STATION HAVE NEW VACANCIES FOR PEOPLE'S TO WORK Please Note: The below position is currently available in throughout POSITIONS AVAILABLE ARE : •General work•Administration/Clerk•Security
Kusile power station
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For more information contact center management Mr Hr Alfred TEL No 0789331376 THANKS YOU
KUSILE POWER STATION HAVE NEW VACANCIES FOR PEOPLE'S TO WORK Please Note: The below position is currently available in throughout POSITIONS AVAILABLE ARE : •General work•Administration/Clerk•Security
Kusile power station
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For more information contact center management Mr Hr Alfred TEL No 0789331376 THANKS YOU
KUSILE POWER STATION HAVE NEW VACANCIES FOR PEOPLE'S TO WORK Please Note: The below position is currently available in throughout POSITIONS AVAILABLE ARE : •General work•Administration/Clerk•Security
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