Sample a minimum percentage of each assessor’s documents to ensure that there is sufficiency of evidence in accordance with the requirements of each unit standard
* Check that the documents have been completed in accordance with QC requirements
* Interview assessors to confirm how assessments were conducted
* Interview learners and ask questions to confirm competency
* Review assessors’ administrative systems
* Document all findings
* Complete and submit all paperwork in line with QC requirements if the learner is competent
* Set up a further moderation appointment if the learner/s are not yet competent
* Set up a meeting with the assessors and person responsible for assessment within the organisation to
provide feedback on the moderation visit
* Send a written report to the organisation after each moderation visit
* Review the moderation process and the document changes based on identified strengths and weaknessesUNIT STNDARD SAQA ID 14115 ,LEVEL 3 ,138 CREDITS