Posted on: 09 August 2023
ID 878927

Payroll & HR Officer

Astrow System (clock card) Administator

Astrow System (clock card) printing & issuing of weekly clock cards for review, checking & updating.

Astrow System (clock card) approval of overtime & shift changes

Astrow System (clock card) capture of time off (leave ect)

Clock Card Machine always connected and working order

Astrow System employee master data correct & include photo (head shot) of employee

Astrow System Set Up: total hours report is linked up with VIP Payroll, for hours to be uploaded from Astrow

Astrow System upload hours directly into VIP Payroll

VIP Payroll: Creation of new employees

VIP Payroll: Processing of leave

VIP Payroll: Processing of payroll values & capturing of values

VIP Payroll: Reports at month end

VIP Payroll: Clean up of Master Data

VIP Payroll: EE & SDL Capturing

VIP Payroll: Capture the shifts for Leave Enhancement Pay Calculation to take place

VIP Payroll: Manually send out payslips

Processing of Consultants invoices

Salaries & 3rd party payments through FIHRST

Medical Aid & GAP Cover submissions

Provident fund recon & statement

Provident fund withdrawal documentation

Payroll queries with staff

EMP201 Submissions & Queries

EMP501 Submissions

COIDA IOD Submissions

COIDA ROE Submissions

UIF Applications and submissions

HR Inductions
  • New employees
Exit Interviews

New employee contracts & other contracts

New contracts update with exisitng employees

Job Titles & Descriptions (Profiles)

HR Policies

HR Procedures

Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management.

EE Committee & Meetings & Submissions

SDL Committee & Meetings & Submissions

Training Matrix & booking of training

Future Fit Software System (Administrator) & Performance/Appraisal

Review System
  • KPI & Objective setting by Line Management ensuring Line Mangement & staff are guided throught process.
Learnerships (interviews, contracts, placements & monitoring)

Vacancies: Approval form, job advert & interviews. All staff who do not come through an agency to book appointment for their verification checks

  • Industrial Relations
  • Disciplinary (Hearings, Warnings, Performance Management)

Implement ESS (Electronic payslips & leave submissions)

Momentum Annual Medicals & New Starters

Union and MEIBC Meetings

Training of Line Management on BCEA, LRA and Disciplinary

Create and implement wellness programme within business
Manufacturing jobs

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