Ad is valid till: 03 October 2024
ID 922871

Verkoopsverteenwoordiger (Landbou) / Sales Representative (Agriculture)

Ons klint is 'n toonaangewende verskaffer in die landboubedryf, wat uitstekende produkte en dienste aan boere en landbou-organisasies bied, beide plaaslik en internasionaal. Hulle streef daarna om 'n huishoudelike naam te wees in die landbousektor, met 'n fokus op langtermynverhoudings en omvattende oplossings.


Posisie: Verkoopsverteenwoordiger (Landbou)

Salaris: R7500-R12500 (CTC) (afhangend van ervaring) + kommissie

Werksure: Maandae Vrydae 08:00-17:00

Ligging: Pretoria-Wes

  • Diens bestaande en nuwe klinte in die landbousegment.
  • Bou verhoudings met eindgebruikers, plaaslik en internasionaal.
  • Bied kundigheid en oplossings vir landboubehoeftes.
  • Lewer gereelde verkoopsverslae oor nuwe klinte en groei.
  • Vestig die maatskappy as 'n bekende naam in landbou.
  • Implementeer verkoopsstrategie vir die sektor.
  • Matriek
  • Bewese verkope ervaring; landbou-ervaring voordelig
  • Vaardig in Afrikaans en Engels; derde Afrikataal voordelig
  • Gevorderde MS Office vaardighede
  • Bestuurslisensie en betroubare vervoer
  • Groei en vestiging van die Landbou-afdeling.
  • Volhoubare groeiplan implementering.
  • Reis en uitstallingsdeelname.
  • Hantering van afgele koperasies en boere.
Aansoeke van toegewyde kandidate word verwelkom om deel te wees van hierdie dinamiese maatskappy wat uitnemendheid in die landboubedryf lewer.

Our client is a leading supplier in the agricultural industry, providing excellent products and services to farmers and agricultural organizations both locally and internationally. They strive to be a household name in the agricultural sector, focusing on long-term relationships and comprehensive solutions.

Job Description

Position: Sales Representative (Agriculture)

Salary: R7500-R12500 (CTC) (depending on experience) + commission

Working Hours: Monday Friday 08:00-17:00

Location: Pretoria West

  • Serve existing and new clients in the agricultural segment.
  • Build relationships with end-users, both locally and internationally.
  • Provide expertise and solutions for agricultural needs.
  • Deliver regular sales reports on new clients and growth.
  • Establish the company as a well-known name in agriculture.
  • Implement sales strategies for the sector.
  • Matric
  • Proven sales experience; agricultural experience beneficial
  • Proficient in Afrikaans and English; a third African language advantageous
  • Advanced MS Office skills
  • Drivers license and reliable transport
  • Grow and establish the Agriculture department.
  • Implement a sustainable growth plan.
  • Willingness to travel and participate in exhibitions.
  • Handling remote cooperatives and farmers.
Applications from dedicated candidates are welcome to join this dynamic company delivering excellence in the agricultural industry.
Management, human resources jobs
Job location, contacts
Pretoria / Tshwane
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