Take a step and make your dream job a reality..........
Poor is a mentality. Just as rich is. People have the ability to be whatever they want to be, rich, poor, These are all choices that people have control over.
We commonly hear that poor people are born poor and that they are victims. Victims of what, a different starting point in life? People start life in different places and from different dispensations, but this does not mean they are destined to end life the same place they started life.
Just as some poor people can become rich, some rich people can become poor. You don't remain where you started in life, things change. And the change that happens is in accord with the decisions people make.
Siyasebenta is an employment agency based in Lyndhurst Johannesburg,
our job is to find perfect candidates for our clientele, we have a corporate training program that we offer to every person who wants to be placed by our agency.
With unemployment entrenched around 39 percent in SA, with the dim outlines of a fiscal cliff looming closer,chances of fresh graduates or unemployed people getting jobs are very slim we want our people to have skills that will make them stand our from the crowd, we believe that there are practical steps you can take to get your dream job.
few companies can afford to invest heavily in employee development. Therefore, more employers rely on job seekers to develop their own skills before joining a company,hence the training
after the training you will receive a certificate that you can present to your potential employer (include it in your CV)to show that you have the necessary skills to join the corporate world...and you are interested in self development.
email jobs@syasebenta.co.za formore info
Remember if you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice…………………….all the best