Posted on: 07 July 2024
ID 918603

Clinical Research Assistant x2

Brief Description

The MRC/Wits Rural Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit (Agincourt) is an exceptional health and population research centre in the Wits School of Public Health. The Unit supports a major researchinfrastructureunderpinnedbyahealthandsocio-demographicsurveillancesystem(HDSS), a form of longitudinal population registration, covering a substantial portion of the Bushbuckridge sub- districtofruralMpumalangaProvinceadjacenttoMozambiquethathasbeeninoperationsince1992 coupled with observational and interventional studies along the life course.

The project will be undertaken by a diverse consortium, including Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Ifakara Health Institute (IHI), University of Dakar (UCAD), African Institute of MathematicalScience(AIMS), UniversityofStellenbosch(SUN), SwissTropicalandPublicHealthInstitute (SwissTPH), University of Bern (UBern), University of Rotterdam, EPFL, and Yale University. The successful

candidatewilljoinatalentedandhardworkingteamaddressingsomeofthecountryandregionsmost pressing health and development challenges. We offer an intellectually rich working environment with excellent opportunities for academic and professional growth.

Thispositionwillsuitanindividualwithinsightintothe above-mentionedresearchfields, goodreport writing skills, good interpersonal communication skills and sound managerial experience.

TheappointedindividualwillbebasedatoneoftheRCTsites, eitherTintswaloHospitalorThemba Hospital (Ehlanzeni District), Mpumalanga. Reporting will be to the Wits-PI/Project Coordinator.

Key Performance Areas

Clinical skills
  • Undertakerigorous, project-specifictrainingonpoint-of-careLungUltrasoundacquisitionand interpretation, as well as specimen retrieval and storage.
  • ProperlyundertakeLungUltrasoundacquisition, interpretation, andspecimencollection(blood, nasopharyngeal swab, dried blood spot) using specific study protocols.
  • Liaisewithseniorteammembersandapanelofexpertsforclinicalsupporttomaintainahighquality of data collection and image interpretation.
  • Assistincapturingmedicaldatafromparticipantfoldersandassistinthetranslationofhospital records into reliable study data.
  • Coordinatewiththelaboratoryteamwithregardtoon-sitespecimenstorageandshipmenttothe Wits-Agincourt Lab for processing.
Project Site Management & Administration
  • Superviseafieldteamwithvaryingskills, includingplanningdailyactivitiestomeetrecruitmentand follow-up targets.
  • Assist with on-site data quality monitoring running regular checks for consent forms, missing/unexpecteddata, andworkingwiththeDataManagertoidentifyandresolveanyproblems that arise.
  • UpdatethestudyinvestigatorsandAgincourtfieldmanagersonthestudyprogress including regular written reports.
  • MeetregularlywithUnitscientific staff
Scientific output
  • Collateprojectstatistics regularly.
  • Presentprojectprogressatweeklystudy meetings.
  • Participate, andwhereapplicable, leadtheproductionofmanuscriptsemanatingfromthe research.
Detailed Description

Job Requirements

Additional Details
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Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Hospital Urgently Hiring Contact HR Manager Before Apply 0823541646