Find administrators, dispatchers, secretaries in Bultfontein

Here bellow you will find candidates CVs who interested in administrative jobs in Bultfontein. These candidates looking for administrative jobs in Bultfontein. If you want to see candidates in other job category or city, please refine your search.
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Lerato Sebata

Lerato Sebata from Bultfontein

27 years old, female
I am Lerato Bonolo Sebata, a 24 years old lady from Bultfontein. By certified qualification, i have obtained Higher Certifigate in Office Administration at Motheo TVET College. In addition, i will describe myself as adaptable to change, fast learner and someone who is always prepared to go above and beyond to make sure her employer is always one step ahead.
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Monica Tjabane

Monica Tjabane from Bultfontein

42 years old, female
Clinic or hospital administration clerk
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Samuel Ralebakeng Seekoei

Samuel Ralebakeng Seekoei from Bultfontein

44 years old, male
Admin or Receptionist because i have a lot of experience as Teller and Branch Manager at Bultfontein Postoffice and i am computer literate and customer service skilled
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Corne Buys

Corne Buys from Bultfontein

45 years old, female
PA, secretary, administration, bookkeeping, finances. Friendly, time oriented, work under stress, loyal, liked by coworkers, always cooperative, task oriented, problem solving.
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