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Here bellow you will find candidates CVs who interested in auto repair jobs in Mdantsane. These candidates looking for auto repair jobs in Mdantsane. If you want to see candidates in other job category or city, please refine your search.
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Alwaba Madolo

Alwaba Madolo from Johannesburg

23 years old, female
Looking for any kind of job that is not looking for many experience
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Mbulelo Totose

Mbulelo Totose from East London

I am a highly driven hard working, motivated and capable individual seeking for a position in an ideal environment in which I can pursue my goals and be part of a hard working team. I am always able to take the initiative, hold an intense work ethic, work under pressure and meet deadlines.My studies have given me a groundwork of Mechanical Engineering, and analytical skills that are crucial for me to thrive in this field.
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