Find doctors, nurses, veterinarians. Offer medicine job in Central Karoo

Here bellow you will find candidates CVs who interested in medicine, healthcare, nursing jobs in Central Karoo. These candidates looking for medicine, healthcare, nursing jobs in Central Karoo. If you want to see candidates in other job category or city, please refine your search.
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Siphosethu Nxilolo

Siphosethu Nxilolo from Port Elizabeth

25 years old, female
I just finished my diploma in Business Management at Nelson Mandela University. I once worked at Ekhaya Bed and Breakfast as a receptionist over weekends. I am a very hardworking passionate, consistent and well disciplined student. I am a very committed worker who love challenges and a very fast learner. I believe in giving my all in everything that I face. I am willing to adapt and learn new things in the work industry.
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Siphamandla Nogwanya

Siphamandla Nogwanya from 53 tulp street noordhoek vredenburg 7365

28 years old, male
I am looking for a challenging job with a rapidly growing organization that can provide me with a range of goals and job objectives within a contemporary and science field. I am an energetic and highly motivated individual who is always willing to learn new things with good interpersonal skills and communication skills.
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Marcelle Fourie

Marcelle Fourie from Eden

28 years old, female
I studied to be a carer i also have qualifications for finance management and much more
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