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Irfaan Gani

Irfaan Gani from Potchefstroom

38 years old, male
I am looking for an opportunity in the accounting/finance/administration field. During March 2011, I graduated in an Honours Degree in Financial Accounting in which my major subjects were Taxation, Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting. I also moved on to complete my SAIPA articles (training contract)in July 2015 as well as pass my qualifying board exam. Currently, I am registered with the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA) as a member. I was also employed as an Accountant since June 2016 up until the 14th of August 2017. My contract of employment was however terminated, due to the company experiencing financial difficulties and thus having to downsize on its employees. My technical abilities in terms of software used are the following: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pastel accounting, as well as Caseware Working Papers. During articles (from August 2012 to July 2015), I prepared annual financial statements, performed audits as part of a team as well as completed statutory returns. During my employment after articles (from June 2016 to August 2017), I worked with debtors, creditors, prepared journals etc. up to and including balance sheet, as well as preparation of monthly management accounts. The above mentioned are the highlights of my career. Hope to receive your favourable response soon. Many thanks and kind regards, Irfaan Contact number: 0823555123 Email address:
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