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Here bellow you will find candidates CVs who interested in finance jobs in Theunissen. These candidates looking for finance jobs in Theunissen. If you want to see candidates in other job category or city, please refine your search.
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Karabo Mashinini

Karabo Mashinini from Theunissen

24 years old, female
Finance job because I have Financial management N6, so I am looking for any finance job where I will learn new skills and earn experience. I am a fast learner and I am always willing to learn new skills.
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Retshepile Mary Shawula

Retshepile Mary Shawula from Virginia

I am looking for finance internship, permanent or full-time job since I have a Bachelor of Accounting Degree. I am a punctual person. An attentive listener, hard working individual and flexible as my degree not only allows me to do bookkeeping, but to also do tax returns and audits.
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