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Elaine Camoetie

Elaine Camoetie from Uitenhage

45 years old, female
I am a 40 year old lady applying for any administrative related or general work. I believe I can do anything I set my mind to. I believe I am the best candidate to be considered for any available position because of my experience working at a factory feeding the production and working in government doing administrative work. I work well under pressure and one of my greatest strengths are to work with people. I type quite fast and love typing. One of my strong points are to work with people and I have experience in working under extreme pressure. I believe I am a great asset to your company because of my experience working with different personalities and cultural experience in the working environment. I am prepared to take on any additional tasks (e.g. Data capturing, flight/accommodation booking) pertaining to the administration division. I am also willing to relocate when the need there occurs. Please find attached my curriculum vitae for any further information needed.
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