Find management, human resources specialists in Mdantsane

Here bellow you will find candidates CVs who interested in management, human resources jobs in Mdantsane. These candidates looking for management, human resources jobs in Mdantsane. If you want to see candidates in other job category or city, please refine your search.
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Ongeziwe Carol Nkungwana

Ongeziwe Carol Nkungwana from East London

28 years old, female
I am an ambitious young female who is prepared to achieve desired. I am a hardworker, self-motivated, goal-oriented individual who is looking for a challenge to enhance my skills and knowledge. I have a good communication skills and a great phone etiquette, fluent in isiXhosa & English. I am able to work in a team and individually, and can work under pressure & willing to shifts.
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Mzingisi Maqanda

Mzingisi Maqanda from Mdantsane

42 years old, male
I am good listener, eager to learn more, like to work as a team if is necessary.
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