Find journalists, media specialists in Botshabelo

Here bellow you will find candidates CVs who interested in media, journalism jobs in Botshabelo. These candidates looking for media, journalism jobs in Botshabelo. If you want to see candidates in other job category or city, please refine your search.
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Kekeletso Mosole

Kekeletso Mosole from Botshabelo

23 years old, female
Please find my CV regarding the above mentioned job. I'm a hard worker and also willing to work under pressure. To me Patience is a virtue should you with to call me I'm available
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Thembekile Mosadu

Thembekile Mosadu from Botshabelo

31 years old, male
Any job I mention above all. I only have matric with less working experience I was working at the Tavern as a General works, cleaner , stock offloading and stock loading. I learn how to work underpressure and around different people. I'm team player with good communication skills and problem solving. I'm not working now. I need a job so that i can be able to provide for my family and be able to save money for my unborn baby's education. Thank you Your faithful
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