Find nanny or babysitter here in Eden

Here bellow you will find candidates CVs who interested in nanny, babysitter, child care jobs in Eden. These candidates looking for nanny, babysitter, child care jobs in Eden. If you want to see candidates in other job category or city, please refine your search.
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Nwabisa Sakhela

Nwabisa Sakhela from Eden

33 years old, female
I am looking for Administration job as well as Data Capture because I have expenriece since I have done my inservice training in the following departments : 1.Eastern Cape Department of Health 2.Department of Sports and Arts & Culture I'm also looking for job as Housekeeper as well as Kitchen Assistant I also have experience. I am looking for job as Guest Stewart I have experience that I have gained at VILLA AFRIKAANA GUEST HOUSE.
4 months ago
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Nuraan Mobara

Nuraan Mobara from Bloemfontein

31 years old, female
I am an ambitious, energetic, knowledge-seeking medical practitioner with a passion for improving health care for all.
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