Find nanny or babysitter here in West Coast

Here bellow you will find candidates CVs who interested in nanny, babysitter, child care jobs in West Coast. These candidates looking for nanny, babysitter, child care jobs in West Coast. If you want to see candidates in other job category or city, please refine your search.
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Nuraan Mobara

Nuraan Mobara from Bloemfontein

31 years old, female
I am an ambitious, energetic, knowledge-seeking medical practitioner with a passion for improving health care for all.
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Lucia Muchenga

Lucia Muchenga from Atlantic Seaboard

40 years old, female
Waitressing ;housekepper, receptionist,nanny, i can say any general job I am a self motivated, adaptive and result oriented sales person who is enthusiastic about demonstrating effectiveness in any environment that promotes team work , customer care, personal development and product development
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Agnes Koert

Agnes Koert from West Coast

65 years old, female
Looking for Childcare job. I am good with children , can work in a team or independently. Reliable, trustworthy, honest and compassionate.
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Ntombifikile Kombisa

Ntombifikile Kombisa from Port Elizabeth

35 years old, female
Excellent interpersonal skills, demonstrated by communicating with clients and colleagues on a daily basis. Knowledge of basic computer skills. Able to work individually without direct supervision and also as a dedicated member of a team whenever required.
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Maria Maria

Maria Maria from West Coast

30 years old, female
I'm a goodlistener an a very energetic person why love communicating,neat person.I'm a very respectful person an love a clean inviroment,love cooking ,cleaning,what ever u du in your own home is why I love to du thank u
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