Seamstress jobs in KwaZulu-Natal

Here below you will find Seamstress jobs list in KwaZulu-Natal. All job ads are for those who are looking for Seamstress jobs in KwaZulu-Natal. If you want to see job ads in other job category or city, please refine your search.
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Part time sample machinist wanted
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Qualified Machinists-Bargaining Council Rates
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Garment Sampling Coordinator

Garment Sampling Coordinator

Headwear24 Manufacturing
Durban City
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Qualified Machinists-Bargaining Council Rates

Qualified Machinists-Bargaining Council Rates

Headwear24 Manufacturing
Durban City
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Data capture cloverhr0825190907

Data capture cloverhr0825190907

Clover SA
Durban City
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Clerk cloverhr0825190907

Clerk cloverhr0825190907

Durban City
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Cutter needed

Cutter needed

Durban City
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Looking for color matcher
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Pattern maker wanted

Pattern maker wanted

North Suburbs
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Upholsterer required

Upholsterer required

Durban City
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Job vacancy for an upholsterer

Job vacancy for an upholsterer

The Mattress King
Durban City
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Sample Machinist required
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